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Labor Day DWI Enforcement

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Extra DWI Patrols and Enforcement August 16 – September 2, 2019

As we spend time together and plan for parties or events during the Labor Day weekend Constable Chris Jones and the Precinct 5 Constables Office urge you to plan for a ride as well.  If you plan to consume alcohol or other substances that could impair you, choose your ride ahead of time! 

“Watch out for your friends, co-workers, neighbors and family,” said Constable Jones. “When you see someone has had too much, it’s time to intervene and they will thank you later.”


So be prepared this Labor Day!

  • Plan ahead and choose your ride
  • Stay off the road if possible during peak DUI crash times
  • Watch out for your friends, co-workers, neighbors and family
  • Wear your seatbelt
  • Call 911 and report any suspected drunk or impaired drivers

The Montgomery County Precinct 5 Constable’s Office is ramping up DWI enforcement over Labor Day and will help you choose your ride if you make the wrong decision.

Possible DWI consequences can include: Fines, Jail Time, Loss of Driver’s License, Vehicle Seizure and Injury or Death to One’s Self or Others.

Please be aware and don’t hesitate to report any impaired drivers by calling 911.  Be prepared to give a location of the driver, a vehicle description, a license plate number and a description of the dangerous behavior.

Source: Constable Chris Jones, Montgomery County Pct.5
